Monday, April 18, 2016

On Genres

  1. Talent imitates and genius steals. We cannot, however, extrapolate that imitation and theft imply talent and genius. All movements whose names are appended with “revival” are evidence of this fact.
  2. For when you gaze long into the shoes, the shoes gaze also into you.
  3. Post-punks re-popularized the use of messenger pigeons.
  4. A chill wave is naught but a relaxed new wave, Not Waving too hard.
  5. Unbeknownst to many, the epicenter of prog rock was the capital of the Czech Republic.
  6. When a definition unabatedly expands, it reaches a (sharp) point where the bubble experiences a (indie) pop and ceases to mean anything.
  7. Musical publications are in the absurd business of iteratively creating pigeonholes within pigeonholes, struggling to squeeze the poor bird into the ever-shrinking spaces. The pigeon subsequently adopts the shape of its crevice, and loses not only its physical capability of flying, but its will to fly.

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